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Boxer and other leftist Obama shills try to silence Netanyahu

Posted by Richard on September 13, 2012

Barbara Boxer, the genius of the Senate who once said of the San Francisco earthquake, “those who died, their lives will never be the same again,” and of Obamacare, “I don’t want to go back to the days when thousands of people died every day because they had no insurance,” wrote an open letter to Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu chastising him for supposedly trying to influence the US election by speaking bluntly about the Iranian threat and America’s inept approach to it. This is an astonishing and I believe unprecedented foray into pursuit of a private foreign policy by a member of the US Congress.

But Boxer’s attempt to silence Bibi has been joined by other Obama surrogates and media lapdogs like Time’s Joel Klein, The New Yorker’s David Remnick, and former ambassador Dan Kurzer.

It apparently hasn’t occurred to Boxer and the rest of these clowns that Netanyahu might be just a little bit more interested in preventing the nuclear annihilation of Israel than the US election. Commentary’s Seth Mandel sets them straight.

I suspect that the anti-Netanyahu frenzy among the American left is a reaction to this:

What’s even more telling in the TIPP poll, are the inroads Mitt Romney is making, gaining support among Jewish voters. A breakdown of religion along with other demographic groups shows President Obama maintaining a lead among Jews but by a smaller margin – 59 to 35 percent for Mitt Romney, with six percent undecided. While that is still a majority it is a dramatic decline from the 78 percent of the Jewish vote he got in 2008.


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