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Aztlan? Tejanos?

Posted by Richard on April 11, 2006

Apparently, most immigration rally organizers realized what a public relations disaster all those Mexican flags last week were. For today’s rallies, the word went out over the Spanish radio and TV stations to carry American flags instead, and in most places they apparently did:

Atlanta police estimated at least 50,000 people joined a two-mile march from a largely immigrant neighborhood Monday morning.

Unlike earlier protests in Los Angeles and other cities when protestors waved flags from Mexico and other countries, activists Monday around the country waved American flags, an obvious response to criticism that illegal immigrants aren’t interested in assimilating into American culture and have no allegiance to this nation.

The obvious exception was LA — a video clip from there showed mostly Mexican flags. The radical group MEChA and the Aztlan movement are powerful in Southern California, and their aim sure ain’t assimilation (see map on left).

MEChA and its allies want to drive out all the gringos (I suppose blacks and Asians are included) and reclaim the southwestern U.S. They dream of some kind of restored Aztec Empire — I don’t know if they’re planning to bring back the blood sacrifices.

In Dallas, by contrast, there was a sea of American flags, and the demonstrators sang "God Bless America!"

But that display of patriotism didn’t stop the Texas Democratic Party from putting their own odd map on their poster (right).

What’s the Spanish word for "pandering"?

(HT: Michelle Malkin via But That’s Just My Opinion.)

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One Response to “Aztlan? Tejanos?”

  1. chuck said


    Josh Roberts double-locked the door behind him and anxiously peeked through the curtains. He didn’t see any of the dreaded black uniforms of the Federales.

    Roberts turned on his computer and re-set the preferences for English grammar instead of Spanish. Ever since Texas independence turned the state into Nuevo Tejas, all English language publications were illegal. If anyone found out about Liberty, Robert’s underground newspaper, he and his family would be tossed into the Dallas County jail for . . . well, who knew for how long?

    Roberts had worked for the Dallas Morning News before it was banned and re-born as the Dallas Reconquista. Reconquista stood for re-conquest; the acquisition by immigration of the lost Mexican territories of Texas, California, New Mexico and Arizona. It once seemed like a ridiculous idea, but the numbers made it a reality.

    After the 2006 amnesty bill gave citizenship to fifteen million illegal immigrants, another twenty million Latino illegal immigrants promptly moved to Texas. What Mexico lost at San Jacinto they won back with immigration. Once they had a majority of the electorate, the Latinos simply voted in Latino mayors, chiefs of police, state legislators and – finally – the Governor.

    Vicente Diaz was the Governor until he declared Texas independence from the U.S. and made himself Presidente. The 1876 Texas constitution vaguely allowed independence. But the real power behind independence came from the Mexico/Venezuela oil embargo and the millions of immigrants marching in the streets. The U.S. politicians quickly bowed to the wishes of Latino voters in their own states and let Texas go.

    However, an aide on Diaz’s staff had slipped Roberts secret documents which proved that the Mexican drug cartels provided the financing for Diaz. This was the bombshell Roberts planned for the front page of Liberty. As Roberts opened his newspaper layout program on his laptop, he heard a knock at the door. He went to the door and looked through the peephole.

    All he saw were black uniforms.

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