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Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s resignation statement

Posted by Richard on May 16, 2006

Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s statement resigning from the Dutch Parliament is a an absolute must-read. Thanks to Little Green Footballs for the link to the English version at the Dutch news site Trouw. It begins thus:

I came to Holland in the summer of 1992 because I wanted to be able to determine my own future. I didn’t want to be forced into a destiny that other people had chosen for me, so I opted for the protection of the rule of law. Here in Holland, I found freedom and opportunities, and I took those opportunities to speak out against religious terror.

In January 2003, at the invitation of the VVD party, I became a member of parliament. I accepted the VVD’s invitation on the condition that I would be the party’s spokesman for the emancipation of women and the integration of immigrants.

What exactly did I want to achieve?

First of all I wanted to put the oppression of immigrant women — especially Muslim women – squarely on the Dutch political agenda. Second, I wanted Holland to pay attention to the specific cultural and religious issues that were holding back many ethnic minorities, instead of always taking a one-sided approach that focused only on their socio-economic circumstances. Lastly, I wanted politicians to grasp the fact that major aspects of Islamic doctrine and tradition, as practiced today, are incompatible with the open society.

Now I have to ask myself, have I accomplished that task?

Go read the whole thing. It’s a compelling and uplifting statement, which makes it even clearer how lucky we are that Ayaan Hirsi Ali is coming to the United States. Assuming that the anti-immigrant crowd doesn’t block her entry.

Oh, and you might want to make a note to yourself about this (emphasis added):

For those who are interested in the intimate details of my transition from a pre-modern society to a modern one, and how I came to love what the West stands for, please read my memoir, which is due to be published this fall.

Speaking of must-reads!

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