Awaiting apologies
Posted by Richard on April 19, 2013
Now that we know what I was relatively certain of a couple of days ago (99.9% confidence level) — that the Boston Marathon bombings were the work of Islamic jihadists — I wonder if we can expect apologies from:
- Dina Temple-Raston, who claimed on NPR that her “reliable sources” (who I suspect existed only in her head) assured her that the bombings were the work of right-wing extremist Americans.
- ABC News, which this morning repeatedly identified Tamerlan Tsarnaev (the suspect killed overnight in a shootout) as a Russian, quoted his father “in Russia,” and speculated about whether he had recently “gone home to Russia.” (I wonder what Muslim ethnic Chechens think of being described as “Russian.”)
-’s David Sirota, who “hope[d] the bomber is a white American.”
- MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell, who claimed that the NRA “was helping bombers get away with their crimes.”
- MSNBC’s Chris Hayes, who complained that we put more effort into responding to terrorist attacks than to disarming peaceful, non-violent Americans in the name of “common-sense gun control.”
- CNN, which claimed that pressure-cooker bombs are a “signature” of right-wingers. I can’t think of a single instance of a right-wing pressure-cooker bombing, but such devices have frequently been used by radical Islamic jihadists in various countries, a fact that CNN staff can’t possibly be ignorant of — unless they’re too incompetent to hold jobs as journalists.
- Harvard’s Jessica Stern on MSNBC, who acknowledged that an al Qaeda magazine published instructions for creating pressure-cooker bombs, but still argued that right-wingers must be responsible for the bombings.
- MSNBC’s Adam Lankford, who speculated that the bombings might be about abortion or taxes.
- Countless other MSM “journalists” and “analysts” alleging, speculating, hinting, or hoping that the Boston Marathon bombings were the work of American right-wingers.
I suspect I’ll be waiting a long time for those apologies. I’m certainly not holding my breath.
(Sources for the specific examples cited above can be found in the last four days’ postings at I can’t be bothered providing individual links; if you haven’t seen these or similarly outrageous stories, you just haven’t been paying attention.)
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Richard Shultz said
There are many other examples of this tomfoolery out there, but congrats on managing to condense and publish the most idiotic of the lot. Excellent job.