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An uhappy anniversary

Posted by Richard on September 23, 2010

The abomination known as Obamacare became law six months ago, and several new Obamacare mandates took effect today. Starting today, health insurance policies must cover "children" to age 26, provide a bunch of new "preventive care" coverage, and have no lifetime limits.Those of us who don't believe in the tooth fairy or free lunches know what that means: insurers' costs are going up, so our premiums are going up. Of course, the government could try forcing them to operate at a loss, but that's not working out too well in Massachusetts

Also, health insurers can no longer refuse to write a policy for a child with a pre-existing condition. Those of us who like to warn about the unintended consequences of attempting to legislate away reality predicted the result: insurers have stopped writing policies for children, period. 

Here are some interesting reads about this unfortunate anniversary: 

ObamaCare Is Six Months Old And The Obama Administration Wants Everyone To Know How Proud It Is

Top 10 Failures of ObamaCare After Six Months  

Democrats guess wrong on health care 

The President is wrong: ObamaCare harms our generation

How Seniors Will Pay for ObamaCare

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3 Responses to “An uhappy anniversary”

  1. Rick Shultz said

    Not only is this all true, but the insurers can’t even COMPLAIN about it! Health & Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has written a letter threatening the insurance industry with retribution if they tell clients the new law is forcing them to raise premiums. In part it said that:” There will be zero tolerance for this type of misinformation…” Insurers who cross the government by blaming ObamaCare or implementing what the government calls “unjustified” rate increases will be left out of

    the government created insurance markets set to begin in 2014. This takes away up to 30 million customers and will ruin

    most of them. So now we have the “speech police” to contend with in addition to the rest of these statist bastards!

    Welcome to Obamaville.

  2. Olivia said

    Good thing I didn’t get a bone avulsion in my knee any later than I did, I tell you what.

  3. rgcombs said

    Rick, you’re right, and that Chavez-like attempt at strong-arming the insurance companies was quite disturbing. This administration has displayed an almost unprecedented hostility toward free speech.

    Olivia, you’ve taught me (well, induced me to look up and learn) a new word. I hope the fracture and sprain have healed. And don’t forget to warm up and stretch before physical activity. 🙂

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