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AFP counter-demonstration a success

Posted by Richard on February 23, 2011

The AFP-sponsored counter-demonstration against the union rally in Denver Tuesday was a smashing success, and I had a great time. A good 150-200 of us filled the sidewalk and spilled onto the lawn on the west side of the capitol, waving Gadsden flags and carrying signs supporting Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and taking public employee unions to task. Quite a few passing cars honked and waved their support.

But things got a little scary after the first hour or so. Once the pro-union program up at the capitol steps wound down (or maybe the 700-1000 attendees just lost interest in their speakers), their crowd (largely bused-in Teamsters) turned its attention to us. After a period of exchanging chants ("We are the people!" "You are the robots!") and slogans, the union thugs started moving toward our group, their faces contorted in anger and hate. Police hurriedly formed a line between us. I'm quite certain that if they hadn't, some of us would have ended up in the hospital. 

There was also a nasty incident I missed in which a gay black man, a Tea Party member, was subjected to harassment, intimidation, and a racist slur. Red White Blue News has that story (HT: Gateway Pundit). One woman harassing him uttered what may be the most unbelievable remark I've heard in many a year, a perfect glimpse into what passes for the thinking of the left: "That’s your problem. You’re an entrepreneur, so you don’t work. You don’t know what work is until you get into an educational area." 

Looking at the Left has an excellent photo essay of the event. Ari Armstrong has several interesting video clips and promises more to come. Check them both out.

UPDATE: Think I'm off-base fearing that violence could have broken out? Well, a Socialist Democrat congressman is urging union members to "get out on the streets and get a little bloody." And it's not like they haven't done it before a time or two. Or three. Or four. Or maybe a few more

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