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A striking contrast

Posted by Richard on September 25, 2008

Regardless of the merits or demerits of a massive financial system bailout (and I'm inclined to agree with Don Luskin), I'm struck by the stark contrast between Sens. McCain and Obama today on this issue.

McCain said that the administration plan did not have broad support and would not pass, and that it was imperative to develop a consensus solution this week. So McCain: 

  • Will suspend campaigning and return to Washington.
  • Wants to meet with Bush, Obama, and Congressional leaders until they hammer out a bipartisan plan.
  • Called for a delay of Friday's debate if agreement hasn't been reached by then.
  • Demonstrated his seriousness by pulling all his campaign ads, suspending all fundraising activities, and canceling appearances on the Letterman show and Fox News.

McCain's statement (as I heard it on the radio) struck me as overstating the danger, but was utterly non-partisan with not even a hint of finger-pointing or point-scoring.

Obama's response (also heard on the radio)? Finger-pointing. Point scoring. Credit grabbing. And this revealing response to a question about whether he'd join McCain in Washington (emphasis in his voice): "What I've told the leadership in Congress is if I can be helpful I'm prepared to be anywhere at any time." And then this: "It may be necessary for both of us to be present to send a strong message."

McCain wants to sit down, negotiate a solution, and craft legislation. Obama is willing to help if someone calls on him, and he thinks the most likely way to help is not to actually work on a solution, but to pose in front of cameras and send a message

It sounds to me like Obama wants to vote "Present."

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3 Responses to “A striking contrast”

  1. Mo'thanskin (Roosevelt) said

    RG, both Obama and McCain are sitting Senators at a time when the Fed and Wall Street are trying like hell to ram what some experts say will amount to an additional trillion dollars of debt on Americans paid for by taxpayers money or loans from foreign countries. This is very serious and if either candidate really cares about this country they shouln’t have to be “asked” to come to the Senate and fight this thing. A growing number of GOP fiscal hawks and limited government advocates are fighting this bailout tooth and nail. Hopefully,at least McCain will join them. Though I will be voting for Ralph Nader, I feel John McCain is showing real leadership in this present financial crisis.

  2. Hathor said

    McCain needs to suspend his campaign to do his JOB?

    Can’t walk and chew gum?

  3. MidPointMan said

    Burning Down The House: What Caused Our Economic Crisis?–o

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