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Record cold

Posted by Richard on June 9, 2007

When I got up this morning (a few minutes after 6), my furnace was cranking away. After grabbing the paper from the porch, I decided to forget the Hawaiian shirt I was planning to wear and dig out something long-sleeved instead. It felt downright nippy.

Tonight, I learned that my perception and my furnace were right. Denver's official low this morning was 31° F. That's not only a new record for the date, but it makes this the latest freeze ever recorded in Denver. Take that, Algore!

(In case you're wondering, the latest snow in Denver was on June 11, way back in 1947.)

Of course, that 31° was at the airport; here in town, it was a few degrees warmer. Still, temps in the 30s don't really mix well with Hawaiian shirts. The freeze capped off an interesting several days, coming after a strong storm front moved through the state. Colorado didn't get the strong thunderstorms that the front spawned after it moved farther east, but the mountains got up to 6" of snow, and the winds were something.

Wednesday and Thursday, gusts hit 50 mph here in Denver and 90+ mph in Boulder and various foothill and mountain locations. One of my neighbors lost about a third of a 50-foot maple — one of three main limbs, easily as big around as my waist, ended up in the front yard. I was spared any new tree attacks

The saying in Colorado is if you don't like the weather, just wait a few minutes. Well, we literally had to wait just a few hours today. By late afternoon, it was sunny and 75° — Hawaiian shirt weather. Back into the 80s for the weekend. If you get bored in Denver, it won't be because of the weather. 

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