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One more King funeral quote

Posted by Richard on February 8, 2006

Liberal law prof Eric Muller blogged in defense of Carter’s and Lowry’s politicization of Coretta Scott King’s funeral. I was struck by commenter Ardsgaine’s response, which made a great point (emphasis added):

A funeral shouldn’t be turned into a political debate. If some of the speakers decide to heap verbal abuse on some of the other attendees, then it’s only the forbearance of the ones being attacked that prevents it from becoming a free-for-all. Carter and the others who chose to attack Bush were counting on Bush to show more class and not get into a back-and-forth with them. Don’t you have a problem with that? That the dignity of the occasion was only preserved by Bush taking the high road? Where does that leave the Democrats?

I’m asking this question in earnest, because I don’t want to live in a one-party country. I don’t want a Pat Robertson presidency. I can see it coming though. It’s a race to the bottom, and the Democrats are way out in front. Instead of the my-party-right-or-wrong attitude, maybe you should start tugging on the reins just a little.

There have to be reasonable, well-intentioned, decent Democrats out there who do have a problem with that. There just have to be. I don’t want to live in a one-party country either — heck, I’m not too thrilled living in a two-party country. But right now, we’re desperately in need of a "loyal opposition" that doesn’t make average mainstream, reasonable Americans worry about our safety or shake our heads in disbelief and disgust.

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