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Usual suspect

Posted by Richard on July 15, 2005

I’ve had a nice little surge in traffic in the past 36 hours — nothing like the Vodkalanche that followed my post of Democratic Underground quotes, but significant. I finally looked at my referrer log to see the source. It was a post by James Wolcott, the haughty, supercilious, elitist contributing editor of Vanity Fair who delights in sneering at all us yahoos out here in fly-over country. I won’t provide a link, but if you insist on giving him a visit, you can probably intuit the URL from his name.

Wolcott’s post is in praise of a Kung Fu Monkey post. Think I’m making up the elitist sneering part? Wolcott describes the subject as:

Hollywood and its corrosive influence on everything heartland Americans cherish and value (when they’re not doing crystal meth).

Wolcott quotes the Kung Fu Monkey post at length, which is fine. I really don’t need too much of Wolcott’s arrogant, affected writing — he addresses his readers as "O grasshoppers," for God’s sake. Capital O, no h. How, um, quaint.

At the end of Kung Fu Monkey’s defense of Spielberg ("one of the greatest directors to walk the planet, … compassionate, a patriotic man …"), Wolcott appends his closing zinger:

Which hasn’t spared him being slimed by the usual suspects.

Wow. I’m one of the "usual suspects." It seems like only yesterday that I achieved mammalian status, and now I’m a "usual suspect" to Wolcott. My heart swells with pride. I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have sneer at me.

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One Response to “Usual suspect”

  1. Anonymous said

    When you earn the ire of the “catastrocats” of the Left, or, as in Anarchangel’s case, the ire of the Islamofascists, you know you are doing something right.

    I have officially added you to my blogroll, and suggest that you email me so we can get together for a coffee or something – I live in Aurora.

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