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Health care haiku

Posted by Richard on March 25, 2010

This poetic gem was posted as a comment on Hot Air:

If you have a Right
To the service I provide,
I must be a Slave.

Haiku Guy on March 24, 2010 at 5:25 AM

(HT: Doug Ross)

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2 Responses to “Health care haiku”

  1. David Bryant said

    I’m not a haiku fan. Maybe the rhythm works better in Japanese. Anyway, here’s some more doggerel / political commentary I recently encountered while web-surfing..

    “Forward, the Quite Betrayed!”

    Was there a man dismay’d?

    Not tho’ the soldier knew

    Someone had blunder’d;

    Theirs not to make reply,

    Theirs not to reason why,

    Theirs but to do and die;

    Into the valley of Debt

    Rode the dumb plunder’d.

  2. David Bryant said

    Politically oriented poetry is getting to be a trend. I just ran across this one in the Wall Street Journal’s comments section.

    He throws an angry tantrum when he cannot have his way

    He calls for mom and sucks his thumb and doesn’t want to play

    Too late to be known as Barack the First,

    He’ll sure be remembered as Barack the Worst

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