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It’s just policy differences

Posted by Richard on December 20, 2007

Unbe-frickin-lievable. Muslim students at the University of California Irvine campus have:

  • harassed, intimidated, and assaulted Jews (verbally and physically)
  • called for the slaughter of Jews
  • held speeches and distributed literature preaching hatred of Jews
  • repeatedly defaced property with swastikas
  • destroyed a Holocaust memorial

Federal law requires recipients of federal money to undertake efforts to end discrimination based on race or ethnicity, so the Zionist Organization of America filed a federal complaint alleging that the school, by failing to take disciplinary action against the perpetrators of such acts, had not met this obligation. The feds have rejected the complaint (emphasis added):

The Office of Civil Rights, which operates under the auspices of the Department of Education, said in a report released last week that some Muslim student activities were offensive to Jewish students.

But the report concludes the speeches, marches and other activities were based on opposition to Israeli policies, not the national origin of Jewish students.

Oh, sure, calling Jews dogs and pigs, throwing rocks at them, and insisting that Allah wants them all killed — those things may be offensive to some people, but they're really just expressions of disagreement over political issues. Move along folks, no discrimination to see here.

How utterly disgusting. 

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