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2016 Denver get-together

Posted by Richard on August 23, 2012


The movie 2016: Obama’s America, based on Dinesh D’Souza’s best-seller, The Roots of Obama’s Rage, and produced by Gerald R. Molen, whose production credits include Jurassic Park, Rain Man, Minority Report, and Schindler’s List, is doing surprisingly well. According to Box Office Mojo, its 8/17-19 weekend numbers were the third-best per-screen average revenue of films showing in more than 1-3 theaters, and its revenue was up 292.3% from the previous week. In fact, on a per-screen basis it was right behind The Expendables 2.

Several Denver area bloggers and friends have expressed an interest in getting together to see it when it opens here on Friday, Aug. 24 (see this post and its  comments). The most likely locations are SouthGlenn (University and Arapahoe) and Denver Pavilions (16th Street Mall, downtown Denver). The SouthGlenn Stadium 14 theater has showings at 1:45, 4:30, 7:15, and 9:50. Denver Pavilions has showings at 12:20, 2:40, 5:05, 7:35, and 10:00. I’m leaning toward Denver Pavilions, either at 5:05 with dinner and/or drinks somewhere nearby afterwards (Lucky Strike? Corner Bakery Cafe? Maggiano’s? Hard Rock? Or…?) or at 7:35 with dinner and/or drinks before. Leave a comment about your preference if you’d like to join us. I’ll post some kind of final plan by Thursday.

UPDATE (Wednesday, 8/22): Denver Pavilions seems like everyone’s choice. Some of us have trouble making a 5:05 show on a workday, so I’m proposing Saturday instead — showtimes are the same as Friday. Join the discussion in the comments if you’re at all interested.

UPDATE 2: The success of the movie continues to amaze. For instance, see this Hollywood Reporter story. Also, check out Thomas Sowell’s review of the film, which he drove 30 miles to see in a packed theater.

UPDATE 3 (Thursday, 8/23, 11:15 PM): The plan I proposed in comment 15 is now the official plan:

  • Dinner at 5 PM at Sam’s No. 3, 1500 Curtis Street. Meet outside, enjoying a gorgeous Colorado day.
  • Movie at 7:35 PM at Denver Pavilions, about 6 blocks away (16th Street Mall shuttle available for anyone walking-impaired or wimpy).
  • If you want/need to be home before dark, you’re welcome to attend the 2:40 showing of the movie and then join us for dinner at Sam’s afterward and share your thoughts about the film.

I don’t think Sam’s accepts reservations, but if you’re planning to join us for dinner, RSVP in the comments. If the number of participants grows beyond 5-6, I’ll call them and check; they might in any case appreciate a heads-up about a larger party. Mention also whether you’re going to the 2:40 or 7:35 showing of the film.

Also, if you’re planning to attend the 7:35 show, you might want to buy tickets in advance either online or at the box office before heading over to Sam’s. You wouldn’t want to be turned away or end up sitting in the aisle like Tom Sowell (see UPDATE 2). 🙂

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32 Responses to “2016 Denver get-together”

  1. Olivia said

    Denver Pavilions at 5:05 sounds ideal for me, but I understand that cuts into your job, so I would cheerfully settle for 7:35.

  2. Jan said

    I vote for Denver Pavilions, either time.

  3. David Aitken said

    Pavilions, either time. I would have preferred Saturday, but will make Friday work.

  4. jed said

    The early show would make it tough for me to get home from work, and then get there, while being a bit late for me to just hang at work until time to drive to the LR station.

    I might could make it for eats before 7:35. Cheap being highly preferred. Not sure whether such is available in the vicinity of the Pavillions. I suppose I should check which train goes near there too.

    It’s also possible I’ll either be really worn out, and / or forget entirely.

  5. jed said

    Okay, California Station. D-Line.

    Noticed there’s a Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. on California too. No idea whether that’s a decent joint, but … you know …

  6. Richard said

    So here’s another thought — how about Denver Pavilions on Saturday instead of Friday? Same show times, so I’d be inclined to favor 5:05 (but might be persuaded to go for 2:40). Dinner and/or drinks after? Jan and Olivia, would Saturday be OK for you?

    Jed, Bubba Gump sounds good, but doesn’t exactly fit your preference of cheap. Corner Bakery (link in post) is cheap and right at the Pavilions, but apparently no adult beverages. How about Sam’s No. 3? Cheap, good food, huge menu, bar — what’s not to like?

  7. jed said

    I’m most in favor of whatever has me eating somewhere around 4:30. Not a late dinner person at all, particularly on weekends, when I usually skip lunch. Other than that, I have no preference. And Sam’s sounds good; I haven’t had Greek food for quite a while. I suspect a matinee would stand a chance of being less crowded.

  8. Billll said

    Sat 5:05 works. I also vote for cheap eats&drinks.

  9. David Aitken said

    Saturday is great; just say when and where.

  10. zombyboy said

    I like the idea. I’d have an easier time making it on Saturday– let me know which you choose and I’ll try to be there. I like the Pavilions, too.

    This is a great idea. Thanks for putting it together.

  11. Richard said

    Well, if we want to indulge Jed, then the 2:40 show works well. The film’s 1:27 long, so it would get out a little after 4. Sam’s is about 6 blocks away, so “around 4:30” would be just about right.

    OTOH, do we really want to indulge Jed? 😉

  12. Olivia said

    My Saturday work schedule is the same as my Friday, so 2:40 won’t work.

  13. Jan said

    Saturday better day. Sam’s #3 is cheap variety and often very busy. What about eat first 4:30-5-ish and then movie. Would like to see Olivia!

  14. jed said

    Then there’s the Pro Cycling Challenge going on this weekend. I know very little about it. Doesn’t sound as if there’s any real activity other than setup on Saturday …

  15. Richard said

    Aw, jeez, now my head hurts. Next time, I’ll let someone else take the lead.

    OK, here’s a new plan. Unless there are serious objections and a credible alternative by 11 PM tonight, I’ll call it final. Dinner at Sam’s No. 3 at 5 PM. Movie after at 7:35. Anyone who’d much rather go to the 2:40 showing is welcome to do so, join us for dinner afterward, and tell us what you thought, etc. (Yes, there’s 2.5 hours between dinner and movie. But IIRC, Sam’s can be pretty busy on weekends and the service isn’t the fastest. Besides, most of us are pretty good at filling time with conversation and adult beverages.)

  16. Billll said

    I understand the theater validates parking on-site. You suppose we could park at the theater, have dinner, catch the movie, and get all that validated?

  17. jed said

    Credible alternative? What do you take us for?

    D-line shows up at California Station @4:46. Sounds good. All I have to do is not forget. Supposedly, I can have my phone remind me. I was easier to do things like that with my old dumb phone.

  18. Olivia said

    Crap, I jumped to conclusions and bought a ticket for 5:05. Maybe if it’s not completely sold out, I can trade it to someone who hasn’t yet bought a ticket…

  19. Olivia said

    Called them. They’ll exchange without the rigmarole. Crisis averted.

  20. Richard said

    Billll, you could call and ask about their policy. Or you could park for free at the Broadway & I-25 or Alameda Park and Ride and take that train Jed mentioned (– about 4 bucks round-trip.

    Olivia, I was going to suggest that. Glad to hear it worked out.

  21. Richard said

    Regarding the Pro Cycling Challenge Jed mentioned, it hits town Sunday, but there may be some street closures or partial closures on Saturday (Speer, Colfax, Broadway, …). So anyone wanting to avoid the hassle might want to consider the light rail option I suggested to Billll.

    Oh, yeah, and the plan I outlined in comment 15 is now the official plan. I’ll update the post accordingly.

  22. David Aitken said

    I’ll be at Sam’s and I have my ticket for the 7:35 show.

  23. jed said

    Well, I have purchased a ticket. Guess I’m commited.

    … or should be.

  24. zombyboy said

    Okay, I’m planning on being there for the movie, but I won’t be able to make dinner. I’m also hoping that my darling wife will be there with me.

    Thanks for setting this up and herding the cats.

    • Richard said

      Glad you can make it for the show, sorry you won’t be there for dinner (you know that means we’re going to talk about you), looking forward to meeting your darling wife.

      You know, if it’s just a timing issue, you could swing by Sam’s around 6ish and join us for dessert or an adult beverage …

      • zombyboy said

        Please mock me with kindness and love.

        And now I feel like an ass. I had forgotten that we were supposed to be having dinner with her family tonight. I have to skip.

        I’ll check back tomorrow to see what you’ve written about it and see what the rest of the crew thought.

        Next weekend is busy and I think the weekend after that we might be going up to the highland games (if I can gin up the courage to deal with the hideously bad traffic). I’d love to find some time to meet up with everyone for a drink or two.

  25. Richard said

    Billll? Billll?

    Thanks, everyone! I’m really looking forward to it!

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